Sept. 5, 2022
Roar Comic Strips!
I recently came across some fairly unique marketing that was used for the movie ROAR, a movie which was covered on The Industry in 2021,
It's a series of ROAR comic strips were made and printed in British comic books to help spread the word about the movie in which lions terrorize a family.
You can read them below, but all credit for me seeing these goes to the twitter account @ScarredForLife2, who tweeted them out recently.
A Few Words About Gene Hackman
Last year I got really depressed about Gene Hackman.I was watching a lot of his movies for no particular reason (according to Letterboxd he was my most watched actor for 2024) and the fact that he hadn’t made a movie since 2004 started to just…
Closing Night Returns
Hey all!
Closing Night, the sort of spiritual sister of The Industry, has returned for a second season. If you’re not familiar with Closing Night, I’ll fill you in. Host Patrick Oliver Jones (a seasoned theater actor himself) dives into…