A Documentary Podcast About Overlooked Movie History
July 5, 2024

Stories My Brother Used To Tell Is Here

Stories My Brother Used To Tell Is Here

Before I embark on the next season of The Industry, I am taking a detour to make a small semi-personal limited series. If you're subscribed to The Industry then you have probably already noticed the trailer to Stories My Brother Used To Tell in your feed. 

It's a fun series in which my older brother Eric recounts some of the more ridiculous and sitcom-like situations he found himself in as a teenager back in the 1980s. There's nothing too heavy here, just a lot of poor decisions. 

It's definitely nothing like The Industry or Closing Night, but I do hope you'll give it a chance. It's summer and it's really hot out there. So, let's have a little fun with our podcasts for a while. 

Have a listen here: